Momma Pig and piglets

Chasing goats and kissing pigs…all in a days work.

Guess what I got to do over the weekend?  Sunday School was hosting a special day for the children to help “kick off” going back to school.  My husband and I took a few small animals for the children to be able to pet and see.   The trick to that was this- we only had rabbits to share, our neighbor on the other hand, had some other small animals.  If we could catch them, we could take them. (Yes, I am smiling right now!)GE DIGITAL CAMERA

It was quite comical to tell you the truth.  I circled around the farm yard many times trying to catch a baby goat.  It was a glorious victory when she took a wrong turn into a fenced in stall.  There was no escaping me then!  I scooped her up and did she ever bleat and cry! (I’ve never felt so rugged.)  She was not happy with me, but I did it!  (Yes, I must admit, Mark helped just a little!)

Mark on the other hand, got to fetch the pig…and that’s all I’m going to say about that. (Heeheeheee).

Once at the church, and when we were ready, all the children came outside.  You could see and hear their excitement.   And they were FULL of questions.  Is the goat a boy or a girl? Can I pet her?  What’s her name? (I didn’t know, but by the end, her name became Lucy…) Will she bite?  (Yes, anything with teeth can bite you.)

One little girl, as serious as ever but with such sweet joy, wanted to know if she could kiss the pig. Before we could say no, she had already done it.  She thought it was the greatest thing.  She danced around my husband so excited, so innocent, it was child’s play.

As I stood there watching the children I pondered what Pastor had spoken from God’s Word just earlier that day…

 “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16.

The children – so innocent, so lovely, so kind, so trusting in the Father.  I wish you could have been there with me.  To describe what I saw is so much more than what I can write.  The sheer laughter, the smiles, and seeing each child’s joy, made all our hard work in catching the animals, worth every moment.

Here is some “food for thought.”  In God’s word we are called His little children for He sees us that way…please read Romans 8 and Matthew 18:1-6.   Children, wild and free, lovers and friends to all.  Oh, the memories that come flooding back to me…do you remember being a child?  Believe it or not, we were all children at one time.

Just look at them now; at any child.  What comes to your mind? Do you like being around them?  Have you “been there” and “done that” or are you there now?  Whether you have a child(ren) or not you can make a difference in a child’s life in just a few small moments…sometimes all it takes is a goat, a pig, and a smile.

I will leave you with one more verse to read over and ponder.  Please find and read Luke 18:17.

And then I’m curious, what are some fond childhood memories for you?  Did you have any animals or pets?  

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Vicki L. Moag
About Vicki L. Moag

Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.


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