The Biltmore- the dining room
In Matthew 22 Jesus begins with the Parable of the wedding banquet comparing the kingdom of heaven to the wedding banquet a king was holding for his son. All the preparations had been made and the invitations sent, but no one would come… Three times in the first four Gospels it is recorded what Jesus spoke at the Last…
The Biltmore- Home
We stood on the stone wall taking in the view. The gardens lie to the left of the home, the stables to the right, and the driveway continues along the gate to the front steps and then exits. Everyone that we meet associated with the home is kind and welcoming which is truly refreshing compared…
The Biltmore – entering the estate
As we approached Biltmore Estate in Ashville, NC, I had to contain my excitement as for some time now I had desired to see the house and the grounds. I must confess we had attempted to see the house once before and had only made it as far as the building that sold the tickets…
The Little Box
As I continue my story these last few weeks of 2015 will be of Christmas past. My question is how do you countdown to Christmas? Are you counting down ever aware of the days left for shopping? Are you checking off a to do list in preparation? Are you using an advent calendar and sharing…
Grandma Moments
In the wake of this week our daughter has participated in a pageant, our oldest son spent hours on a science fair project, and Grandma passed away. Not just any grandma, she was our last living grandma, my dad’s mother. I began to share with my kiddos some of the memories I had from childhood.…
Do you see an Aurora every night?
In my previous post, the Creation of Science, I mentioned the astronomy lecture that I attended with my son, Julius. Footage of Aurora’s were also presented and the explanation of them. Why they occur for us to see is amazing. Check it out…Aurora Borealis. Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very…
The creation of science…
“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” – Edwin Hubble Science is an amazing world to discover. Enriched in it’s own vocabulary, one must almost start there to understand the depths of its riches. Last night my older son and I had the privilege of attending…
Riding with the Moment
“It’s time for bed boys!” They quickly began changing clothes, brushing teeth, and in between doing so, began asking me some strange questions. “Hey, Mom, how do you like your water? Hot, cold, or in between?” Being in my own separate moment I was slightly oblivious to what they were doing around me, and answered…
Chasing goats and kissing pigs…all in a days work.
Guess what I got to do over the weekend? Sunday School was hosting a special day for the children to help “kick off” going back to school. My husband and I took a few small animals for the children to be able to pet and see. The trick to that was this- we only…
MOPS continues….
I, (then expecting my third child), loaded the kiddos and drove one and a half hours to MOPS. Upon our arrival the door was held wide open with a warm welcome and a smile that greeted us from a MOPS mom. Beyond excited, my sister showed me right away where my kiddos would be playing…

About Vicki L. Moag
Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.
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