Hey Mamma! You want a ride?
Last year our neighbor gave Samuel a junky riding lawn mower. You’d think it wouldn’t be that exciting and last year it wasn’t so much for him. This summer, however, he has grown so much and the riding lawn mower is the next best thing. (He even prefers it over the dirt bike! I wonder if that has something to do with his declaration that he is going to be the “best farmer ever?”)
With his green John Deere hat, his knee socks pulled as far as they’ll go, and sometimes even his suspenders; he’s ready to go. He turns the key and just as he was taught, shifts it into gear and let’s go of the break. He races around the trees, flowers, and up the dirt road. The funnest thing about it? He has a bicycle horn mounted to the deck lever and every once in a while he’ll toot his horn. Go Samuel!
When the gas has run out the boys are ready to go in…they seem to think that they can’t play outside by themselves anymore because all there is to do that’s fun is ride on their big toys. (I wonder how many grown men think that way? He, Hee, Hee…)
As soon as dad walks in the house from work they want to go back outside. Dad tops them off with gas and away they go. Not too long after riding by themselves they are ready to give me a ride. Sometimes it’s a race to see who can ask me first and the one who doesn’t, just has to wait.
I tell you, it’s nice to be fussed over this way. Whether I’m sitting up on the back of the mower’s seat and holding on as I bounce and jounce with Samuel driving or I’m holding onto Julius around the stomach while he makes that bike go as fast as he can; riding with them makes me giggle with glee.
You know what I’ve realized? Now it might seem simple to you, but I’m honored to be the first “girl” that they have given a ride too, even if I am their Mamma! Not only are we all having fun, but I get to teach them as well, manners in driving a lady. Yeah!!!! (A classic example that learning can be fun!)
Soon, the time will come when they’ll have a driver’s license and begin to go out on there own. I’m not too sure how often I’m going to be asked that very question if you know what I mean. But between you and I, I would ride with them anytime I can. Whether it’s the dirt bike, the lawnmower, or their car or truck, tractor or plane. There is just something about a boy giving a girl a ride, especially when it’s my son. These are memories I’ll cherish…
Hey, mamma! You want a ride?
Why yes, yes, I do.
Honk, Honk, and Vroooooom…here we go!
Okay ladies, share a memory that you have of a boy giving you your first ride…then I’ll tell you mine! Men, do you remember the first time that you gave a girl a ride? What was it like for you? Where you excited? Do tell!

About Vicki L. Moag
Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.
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