MOPS continues….
I, (then expecting my third child), loaded the kiddos and drove one and a half hours to MOPS. Upon our arrival the door was held wide open with a warm welcome and a smile that greeted us from a MOPS mom.
Beyond excited, my sister showed me right away where my kiddos would be playing and learning in the MOPPETS rooms. The volunteers were so kind and showed genuine interest in wanting to know more about my children that I knew right away they could be trusted. Aurora and Julius met new friends and would come to anticipate each MOPS meeting, asking when we could go again.
I can honestly say I don’t remember the announcements that were made, what was served for breakfast, or even what or who the speaker talked about. What I do remember, and what warms me to this day, was the atmosphere, the smiles, and the listening ears. I wasn’t judged for who I was or who I wasn’t, for what I looked like or what I wore. Those women cared for me in a way I hadn’t ever experienced. They gave me a bit of heaven that day and they didn’t even know it…I went from that day on.
Not long after I became a part of the steering team and my eyes were opened to the bigger picture of MOPS and the impact it had on other women – all women, not just me. This was invigorating to me.
October 2004 the news came we would be moving to South Carolina. I immediately looked for a MOPS group and finding that none were nearby, knew that somehow one needed to begin. Moms were found, the steering team was formed, and MOPS took its first steps in this community.
The process was slow but the reward has been great. Over these past years, I have had the privilege of meeting many wonderful women. Women who have allowed me to be a part of there lives as we have rejoiced over a newborn, welcomed new moms, and developed lasting friendships.
MOPS has nurtured me in many ways. Not only have I gained and began developing leadership skills, but through this season of my life I have obtained the knowledge of three things necessary in relationships; to trust, to love and to forgive.
I admit it wasn’t easy when the time had come for me to “graduate” MOPS. A new chapter was unfolding for me as I was now leading my littlest one to the 1st grade. I’m thankful for the opportunities that I have to return to MOPS a portion of what has been given me. And you know what else? I’m thankful that my sister didn’t give up asking me and that I took the drive. It was well worth it.
My encouragement to you now? Remember the mom sitting at the red light?
Don’t you step on the gas too fast or you’ll miss what is happening right in your back seat.
Is a MOPS close to you, and did I mention it’s International? That’s right, check it out ladies, it’s not just in the USA. MOPS has other programs for teens, school-aged moms, and military moms…check out the web site for more information and get ready for a great year of growth and meeting friends at MOPS. https://www.mops.org

About Vicki L. Moag
Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.
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