Samuel and Julius

A camping lesson from my son ~ down by the river

Our tent was nestled in the woods.  A stones throw away was a creek that slithered through the forest floor.  Julius and Samuel made a path down the bank to check it out.  It didn’t take long for them to lose their shoes and get wet.  After some time the boys came back for me to join them and  I went along with the determination not to get mine wet.

Walking down the river.

Walking down the river.

The water swept around the larger stones that were sticking out.  Some of these stones were peppered with green moss while others were blanketed with it just to the waters touch.  I stepped back in time as I walked upon these stones trying to avoid the ice cold water.  As children, my sisters and I would play in the nearby creeks for hours.  I could almost hear their laughter as Julius led us bravely down the winding creek to see where it would lead us.

I stood still scanning the area to see where I could take my next step.  Julius turned around to see if I was coming.  He came to me instead.  He pointed out a way I could go and held out his hand for me.

“I’ll help you,” he said.

My selfishness arose up within me.  I quickly told him no.  I can do it.

Turning he went on a head of me.

I was so focused on where I was going to step that I didn’t notice Julius bent down to pluck from the creek’s bed a small gift for me.  He reached his arm out for me to see.  Holding the gift tightly between his thumb and pointer finger, he told me he loved me.  Then he placed it in my hand.  I thanked him for my rock and looking at its heart shape that’s when I realized it.

I realized that my son was trying to help me because he loves me.  In one simple, yet foolish sentence I rejected not only his help, but him as well.  (After all isn’t his love a part of him?)

Even now as I write this to you, I have to ask.  How many times have I rejected not only my son’s help and love,  but ultimately the Help and Love of God’s Son?

I will tell you that the door opened for Julius and I to talk and talk we did.  God is still working on me, so in the mean time, I’ll be thankful for my son’s help…

My question for you.  Whose help are you rejecting? Why?

(Just in case you were wondering ~ Camping was great!)


  1. vickilmoag on July 9, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    For those of you who may have received this twice I do apologize. I seem to be having a little trouble on my end….

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Vicki L. Moag
About Vicki L. Moag

Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.


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