jack frost

Do you believe in Jack Frost?

The movie trailer for Rise of the Guardians left me with the thought that I wouldn’t ever watch that movie.  Santa Clause with tattoos. Really?  And the Easter Bunny beefed up like a marine.  I quickly dismissed it with an “Oh, brother.”  And left it at that… or so I thought.


It has been one year now and guess what is playing in the free kids movies for the summer?

Rise of the Guardians.  Since it was free, and my children wanted to see it, we planned to watch it.  Too bad something came up and we missed it, but guess what was in the Red Box?  And guess what we brought home?

As my kiddos began to watch it I went into another room to get some work done, but as my work had me passing by the TV, I couldn’t help but watch it.  A couple of times I stood and watched a scene or two, and to my surprise there were some life lessons tucked in that movie.

Lessons about ourselves, about heart, about believing.  Stay with me now.  I want to share some of these with you, even if it takes me a couple of days…

Jack was brought to the North Pole to meet the other guardians and to ultimately become one.  Santa took him aside, to be alone, and asked him this important question.  “What is your center?”  Jack was like what?  Santa wanted to know what Jack’s gift was to the world, to the children…Santa’s visual aid was a matryoshka doll and described that he (Santa) had many layers, but with the smallest doll was found an image representing Santa’s center.  His doll was wide eyed with wonder.

Let me put on the breaks there.  Jack didn’t know what his center was, or should I say at the center of him.  He didn’t know who he was, let alone what his gift was.

My question to you?  What is your center?  I know it’s not chocolate, no tootsie pops here! No, really, what is your center?

If you are a believer and your hope is in Jesus Christ, than this question should be easy for you; or is it?   What has God created you for?  And are you sharing it with others?

Jack Frost – Rise of the Guardians

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Vicki L. Moag
About Vicki L. Moag

Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.


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