The Grocery Store Connection
Pastor was on a role preaching about divine connections and how some are an unconscious leading of the Holy Spirit.
Huh? What did I just write? What am I talking about?
When you’re going about your own business, not even thinking about it (a given event or situation) at all, but you unknowingly step into it and your life changes forever. Need an example?
Pastor went further to describe that time when you can be in the grocery store, buying produce and then it happens. That person crosses your path, speaks maybe one sentence into your life and you’re forever changed. Why am I telling you this? Pastor was talking about me and my husband and he didn’t even know it. I about jumped out of my seat wanting to finish his example because it was more than that to me. It was real.
So let me begin again with more juicy details.
My husband and I, along with our 3 children, were in the grocery store some years ago. We weren’t even in the store ten minutes and all the farther we got was the produce section. We had begun arguing about something and our conversation began to escalate. We weren’t paying any attention to the people around us because we were caught up in the heat of the moment.
My middle son, however, was watching everyone. He sat in the large part of the buggy with his fingertips holding the edge of the cart. His chin hanging over the side. He shot up straight, pointed his little finger and yelled loudly enough so we could hear. “Look Mommy! Look at that man’s cross necklace.” It wasn’t just us though that heard him. We stopped arguing and looked. That man looked at us too. And to our surprise he walked over to us.
I won’t ever forget that moment. He was not a little man. He was tall and built. He was balled and tattooed. And there hung along his neck a beautiful necklace that he had crafted. His kindness was unforgettable. During our conversation with him he asked where we attended church. Unfortunately we weren’t attending anywhere at that time. He invited us to come to his. Come and see. A few weeks later we did. It was at that church that I confessed Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. And my life has never been the same…
…the grocery connection. Something that wasn’t expected, but life changing.
How about you? Do you have a story or two or three about divine connections? I’d love to read about it! I’ve left plenty of room… I’ll talk with you then.

About Vicki L. Moag
Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.
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