Crown tree decoration

Tradition and Remembrance…

What are your traditions? Now, I’m not strictly referring to Christmas.  I mean any tradition. For example Easter, Thanksgiving, Church, or even the exclusion thereof. Why do you do them?

With Christmas only a few weeks away some of us are busy shopping, putting up a tree with decorations, and attending Christmas events until our heads spin.  But why?

Recently, as our family finished hanging the last strand of Christmas lights on our tree, it was then time to hang the ornaments. Each child received their container with which the ornaments they had been given over the years were carefully wrapped inside with tissue paper.


Watching my children hang their decorations I remembered Christmas’s past with my siblings.  With so many of us and only so much tree, we each had a petite sized triangular portion on which to hang our ornaments.  The older I became the more seriously the decision as to which ornaments to hang loomed before me because they wouldn’t all fit.

One year in particular I remember holding my box of ornaments in my hand.  I can almost see it neatly wrapped with a green bow on top.  Inside were more than just ornaments to me.  There was love, joy, peace, memories of every Christmas that I had the privilege of being a part of and the awe of it all enveloped me.

Christmas, a time of awe and remembrance.

Remembering why I celebrate Christmas isn’t for the ornaments to hang on a tree, for decorating, presents, or for Santa Claus. It’s so much more.  The greatest treasure you can receive, to which no amount of money can even come close to buying, came forth that night.  It’s the birth of a king, the King.  Jesus was born on that night long ago, and the world was forever changed. And we, as Christians, have that gift tucked inside our hearts to share with the world.  So open up and let it out.

Remember this Christmas season that we celebrate not for keeping the traditions of man…


We rejoice the birth of Christ born in Bethlehem. Luke 1:26-2:20.Who came for you and for me, to take our place crucified on a tree, so that we could be free.  Glory to God in the Highest!

May the awe of Christmas envelope you.

What traditions do you hold for Christmas?  What is a fond memory you have of Christmas as a child?


  1. royk15 on December 13, 2013 at 11:38 pm

    Great post Keep them Coming and if you have some spare time check out my page

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Vicki L. Moag
About Vicki L. Moag

Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.


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