Turning the Page
Will Rogers once said, “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today” (Goodreads, n.d.).
As you let that settle in, May marks the anniversary of my last blogging entry in 2017. I believe it’s necessary for you to know the basic overview of what these past seven years have entailed in order to decide whether or not to continue reading the content being offered from now on. Agreed?
I left you off with the ‘Depth of Death’ and shared my love of Jesus, family, and teaching.
From that time until now, my focus has been shifting because as my children have been growing, I’ve been teaching and learning alongside them.
The journey started as a high school home school director with Classical Conversations for Challenge II-III programs (10-12th grade) (2022). This led to teaching high school science at a local private Christian school and that turned into pursuing my bachelor’s degree with the University of the People in Health Science (2024).
I am currently in the home stretch of obtaining that degree as my final exams are the first week in June. What I’ve been learning over these past seven years about family, parenting, perseverance, and health care will be foundational to what I share with you as these experiences have taught me much and I pray they will help you as well. Not because I did it right, but so you can learn from my experiences and my mistakes to make wise decisions for yourself and your family.
With that being said let’s move on to today (we don’t want to linger on the past too long…it will be shared along the way), as I will leave you with some good news!
Thanksgiving of 2023 my first children’s picture book was released, “You Were Made to Praise God” and Redemption Press recently released a podcast interview of this book.
Click here and listen as I share about the beginnings of this children’s book and the importance of praising God no matter where you are or who you are.
You can check out my website at VickiLMoag.com or follow me on Instagram where I share up close photos of nature. In celebration of the book’s release and this podcast I’ll be giving away a signed hard copy of “You Were Made to Praise God” along with a praise ribbon to one lucky winner. The winner will be drawn in one month, June 22nd, when my final exams are done. Remember to sign up today!
Sign up for the giveaway!
- Classical Conversations. (2022). What is the trivium? An Easy-to-Understand analogy. Classical Conversations.
- Goodreads. (n.d.) Will Rogers quotes (Author of Rogers-isms, the cowboy philosopher on the Peace Conference).
- University of the People. (2024, April 10). The world’s first tuition-free online university University of the People.

About Vicki L. Moag
Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.
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