
My Shelter in the storm

“Jesus, Jesus, wake up! Don’t you care that we’re all about to die?” The boat had already taken in water and fear swept over them as they clung helplessly to the sides. Their hearts pounded. Their minds raced. They cried out for help. Jesus lay sleeping in the helm. How could he be sleeping at…

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The Orchestrated Day

Each morning as we awake little do we know what the Lord has tucked into our day and how it will play out. This day began like others the only difference in being the last day of our Classical Conversations community meeting for this year. I had mixed emotions. Not only was this my first…

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Where does power come from?

Sorry about the delay from writing my last blog. Life has been happening full steam ahead! So let’s see, where was I? Oh yes, I left off with Common Core now it’s onto glass jars (I wish I could see your expression!) Six pint sized glass jars where standing in a row. As I lifted the…

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Have you heard about Common Core?

The first time a friend mentioned the Common Core to me I thought to myself that’s too bad and went about my business, oblivious to how Common Core was going to affect my family in the years to follow… …Lattice homework 101. My oldest son struggled with it for quite sometime and I didn’t know…

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At a loss for words

Do you ever have so many things on your mind that you don’t even know where to start? You’re stumped so to speak. After taking some time away from my writing that’s where I’m at. I remember Kathi Appelt speaking on this very thing and encouraging the aspiring authors in the room to write like their…

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Into the New Year…

What are your plans this year? What are your goals? Every new year is a time to put your goals down on paper, make them plain so that in the heat or suffering of a moment you don’t get discouraged. That way you can come back to it and remember why you are doing what…

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Tugging on my heart strings…

It’s too early for this.  I’m preparing for the morning and urging the kids to get ready for school. Klove is on and they are interviewing Christian singer/songwriter Brandon Heath. Brandon starts sharing about his new song, “Just A Girl,” and the story line behind it.  (I encourage you to listen to it by clicking…

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Tradition and Remembrance…

What are your traditions? Now, I’m not strictly referring to Christmas.  I mean any tradition. For example Easter, Thanksgiving, Church, or even the exclusion thereof. Why do you do them? With Christmas only a few weeks away some of us are busy shopping, putting up a tree with decorations, and attending Christmas events until our…

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From my Thanksgiving to yours…

For some of you your travel plans may have changed due to the inclement weather that transpired over these past few days, ours had. However, I’m thankful that we are safe, and able to celebrate together as a family. I’m thankful for each of you and  wanted to thank you for taking time out of your…

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Riding with the Moment

“It’s time for bed boys!” They quickly began changing clothes, brushing teeth, and in between doing so, began asking me some strange questions.  “Hey, Mom, how do you like your water?  Hot, cold, or in between?” Being in my own separate moment I was slightly oblivious to what they were doing around me, and answered…

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Vicki L. Moag
About Vicki L. Moag

Author Vicki L. Moag grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania with a love for music and the outdoors. Now, whether singing in a choir, the congregation, or teaching children, she finds a way to share her love of music with others. She currently resides with her family in South Carolina, where they enjoy countless adventures together.


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You were made to Praise God by Vicki L. Moag